@ -55,3 +55,41 @@ in a message with the wrong error path specified.
`style` specifies the bootstrap style to use for the button (class name `btn-$style` is used). Without custom css, its value must be one of `default`, `primary`, `success`, `info`, `warning`, `danger`.
`icon` is the FontAwesome icon name to use for the service. It defaults to the icon provided on the service name.
### Registration
When a logged-out user logs in with an external account that is not linked to an existing account,
they will be redirected to the registration page.
Since the user already has a means to log in, the registration form will not ask to set an account password.
However, the user is still able to set their password afterwards from their profile page.
#### Prefilling email addresses during registration
If there is a property mapped to `email` available when logging in to register a new account,
the email address is automatically filled in into the form.
When `trust_email_verification` is enabled on a resource owner and the user does not modify the prefilled email address,
it will immediately be marked as verified.
Email rules and registration rules still apply to the email address when provided by the resource owner.
If the email rules configuration rejects the email address, or the registration rules do not allow the mail address to self-register,
the email address received from the resource owner will not be filled in the form.