from collections import OrderedDict from .cycle import OrderedDictCycleAction, CycleControl from .core import WrappingControl, action from .util import process_reaper import logging import os import stat import subprocess import argparse try: import tkinter except ImportError: tkinter = None import math import threading import re from pathlib import Path logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) MAX_ITEMS_BEFORE_POPUP=3 try: import pyinotify'Inotify support enabled') class InotifyEventHandler(pyinotify.ProcessEvent): def my_init(self, action: callable): self.__action = action def process_default(self, event): logger.debug('Inotify received event.') self.__action() class Inotify: def __init__(self, directory, action): self.__directory = directory self.__wm = pyinotify.WatchManager() self.__notifier = pyinotify.ThreadedNotifier(self.__wm, default_proc_fun=InotifyEventHandler(action=action)) self.__wd = None def start(self): self.__notifier.start() self.__wd = self.__wm.add_watch(self.__directory, pyinotify.IN_DELETE|pyinotify.IN_CREATE)[self.__directory] logger.debug('Added inotify watcher for %s', self.__directory) def stop(self): self.__wm.del_watch(self.__wd) self.__notifier.stop() logger.debug('Removed inotify watcher for %s', self.__directory) except ImportError: logger.warn('pyinotify is not available, inotify support disabled') class Inotify: def __init__(self, *a, **k): pass def start(self): pass def stop(self): pass class ScreenLayoutAction(WrappingControl): def __init__(self, *a, **k): self.__screen_layout_cycle = ScreenLayoutCycleAction(*a, **k) super().__init__(CycleControl(self.__screen_layout_cycle, scroll_actions=False)) def __str__(self): parent = super().__str__() if tkinter is not None and len(self.__screen_layout_cycle) > MAX_ITEMS_BEFORE_POPUP: parent = re.sub(r'(?:)+([^<>]*)(?:<\/action>)+', r'\1', parent) # Clear all action tags parent = action( self.create_pipe_command('screenlayout'), parent ) return parent class ScreenLayoutCycleAction(OrderedDictCycleAction): def __init__(self, name: callable): self.__od = OrderedDict() super().__init__(self.__od) self.__inhibited = True self.__naming_func = name self.__default_layout = None self.__inotify = None def configure(self, argument_parser: argparse.ArgumentParser): argument_parser.add_argument('--screenlayout-dir', help='Directory containing screenlayout shell files.', type=str) argument_parser.add_argument('--screenlayout-default', help='Default screenlayout shell file basename', type=str) @property def enabled(self): return self.args.screenlayout_dir is not None def bind_arguments(self, args): super().bind_arguments(args) self.__load_layouts(args.screenlayout_dir) self.__inotify = Inotify(args.screenlayout_dir, lambda: self.__load_layouts(args.screenlayout_dir)) self.__inotify.start() if args.screenlayout_default: layout_dir = Path(args.screenlayout_dir) layout_default = layout_dir / args.screenlayout_default if not layout_default.exists(): logger.error('Default layout %s does not exist in directory %s. Continuing without default', args.screenlayout_default, args.screenlayout_dir) else: self.__default_layout = str(layout_default) def cleanup(self): if self.__inotify: self.__inotify.stop() def next(self): super().next()"Setting screen layout to %s", self.current) self.__set_screen_layout(, item=self.current) def prev(self): super().prev()"Setting screen layout to %s", self.current) self.__set_screen_layout(next_layout=self.prev, item=self.current) def periodic(self): if self.__inhibited: self.__inhibited = False self.__set_screen_layout(, item=self.current) return True return False def respond_to(self, command: str): if command == 'screenlayout': if tkinter is not None and len(self) > MAX_ITEMS_BEFORE_POPUP: threading.Thread(target=self.__create_tk()).start() else: return True elif command == 'screenlayout-reset': if not self.__default_layout: logger.error('Default layout is not set. Cannot reset layout') return False self.__inhibited = False self.__set_screen_layout(next_layout=None, item=self.__default_layout) return True else: return super().respond_to(command) def __str__(self): return self.__naming_func(super().__str__()) def __load_layouts(self, directory): self.__od.clear() entries = os.scandir(directory) for entry in entries: if entry.is_file(): mode = entry.stat().st_mode if mode & stat.S_IXUSR or mode & stat.S_IXGRP or mode & stat.S_IXOTH: logger.debug('Found file %s', entry.path) self.__od[entry.path] = def __set_screen_layout(self, next_layout, item): if self.__inhibited:'Screen layout is inhibited.') return'Starting screenlayout %s', item) try: layout_proc = subprocess.Popen([item]) self.current = item if layout_proc.wait(): if next_layout: logger.warning('Screenlayout failed, continueing to next layout.') next_layout() except Exception: if next_layout: logger.exception('Screenlayout failed. Continueing to next layout') next_layout() def __create_tk(self): options = list(self.__od.keys())[1:] # Skip the first option, it is the current one num_options = len(options) cols=math.ceil(math.sqrt(num_options)) rows = math.ceil(num_options / cols) root = tkinter.Tk(className="screenlayout") root.update_idletasks() screen_width = root.winfo_screenwidth() screen_height = root.winfo_screenheight() logger.debug("screen_width=%d; screen_height=%d", screen_width, screen_height) width = screen_width//3 height = screen_height//3 x = (screen_width // 2) - (width // 2) y = (screen_height // 2) - (height // 2) logger.debug("geometry: width=%d, height=%d, x=%d, y=%d", width, height, x, y) root.geometry('{}x{}+{}+{}'.format(width, height, x, y)) def create_callback(item): def cb(): self.__inhibited = False current = self.current def restore_current(): self.__set_screen_layout(None, current) self.__set_screen_layout(restore_current, item) root.destroy() return cb for i in range(0, cols): for j in range(0, rows): if i + cols * j < num_options: item = options[i + cols * j] args = dict( relx=i / cols, rely=j / rows, relwidth=1.0 / cols, relheight=1.0 / rows, ) button = tkinter.Button(root, text=self.__naming_func(self.__od[item]), command=create_callback(item)).place(**args) root.mainloop()