@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ The name of a service is arbitrary and is not used to derive the type of service
For each service, the `config` and the `service_name` properties are required.
@ -57,13 +57,31 @@ in a message with the wrong error path specified.
### Registration
When a logged-out user logs in with an external account that is not linked to an existing account,
Registration with an OAuth account is disabled by default and has to be enabled separately.
enabled: false
display_name: prefill # One of "prefill"; "blank"; "force"
email: prefill # One of "prefill"; "blank"; "force"
password: hidden # One of "blank"; "hidden"; "force-disable"
When enabled, and a logged-out user logs in with an external account that is not linked to an existing account,
they will be redirected to the registration page.
Since the user already has a means to log in, the registration form will not ask to set an account password.
However, the user is still able to set their password afterwards from their profile page.
The Name and Email field are prefilled with information received from the external account provider, but are editable by the user. (`prefill`)
It is also possible not to prefill the information (`blank`) or to force this information to be filled from the provider (`force`).
The Password fields are hidden by default (`hidden`). Since the user already has a means to log in, the registration form will not ask to set an account password.
The user is still able to set their password afterwards from their profile page.
To require a password to be set anyways, use `blank`. To completely disable password authentication, including the ability to set a password from the profile page, use `force-disable`.
The password state is saved on the account in the `Password enabled` field and can be edited by administrators.
#### Prefilling email addresses during registration
An email address can only be prefilled when it is available from the external account provider, else it will be left blank.
If there is a property mapped to `email` available when logging in to register a new account,
the email address is automatically filled in into the form.
@ -76,7 +94,7 @@ the email address received from the resource owner will not be filled in the for